
Main Street Plaza Dispute Not Over Yet

Associated Press/June 23, 2003

Salt Lake City -- Now that the U-S Supreme Court has turned away a Mormon church challenge to the Main Street ruling, some leaders in the dispute say there's more legal action on the way.

The Supreme Court today let stand a Tenth Circuit Court ruling which says The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can't create a "First Amendment-free zone" on the Main Street Plaza.

Mayor Rocky Anderson short-circuited that ruling by striking an agreement to give away the public easement on Main Street in exchange for church-owned land on the west side.

Mark Lopez of the ACLU says Salt Lake City has done the unthinkable by giving away the public's interest in the block of Main Street. Victorious in the first round of lawsuits, the ACLU says it will likely pursue a challenge of the land swap.

Mormon church attorney Von Keetch says they're ready for the challenge and will defend their property rights.

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