
Mental Health and Sterling--Reflections on Recruitment

Submitted 1998

Having just had the "bite" put on me to attend a Sterling weekend; your page only confirmed my immediate suspicions. Unfortunately, a casual friend, who has attended and advocates the weekend, called last night regarding my attending an upcoming "weekend men's retreat", which he'd sponsor me on. I have a background in Mental Health and have always had interest in cultish [sic] groups. I began to catch the familiar scent early in the conversation--i.e. "can't really tell you what it's about, you have to experience this for yourself". And--"once you commit to going you have to attend the whole weekend--this weekend will change your whole life and outlook"

It was the refusal of [accepting] my (initially) tactful disinterest, which turned [matters to] a non-accepting, slightly confrontational pose--that became the real tip off to me. "Conditioning 101"--was my unexpressed personal response. The content of your page simply confirmed the rest of my immediate suspicions [regarding] disclaimers, closed rooms, strip down the psyche, videotape the responses etc., etc.

Ironically, another closer friend does work in cult follower recovery, and I'll look forward to bouncing this one past her, regarding the party who tried to invite me. He's had that "look in his eye" when speaking of this organization. Now, I'm better confirmed of my suspicions why.

Copyright © 1998 Rick Ross
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