
"On the phone every night"

March 24, 1999
By a concerned girlfriend

I have been dating a guy who is involved with the Sterling men's team.

The articles on your web site mention nothing about all the time the men spend on the phone EVERY NIGHT. My boyfriend was involved with Sterling before I met him and it has been getting worse.

He is on the phone every night for at a minimum of 3 hours doing "meetings". He is NEVER home during the week except for one night.

The group has him so involved and brainwashed that the group comes first. His kids do NOT even though he has full custody. They are constantly with a babysitter.

Once a man joins the group and joins what Justin calls "a men's team", forget about seeing your husband or boyfriend. He will always be involved with the group and you will always COME LAST.

When he has tried to leave a couple of times, the men lay such a guilt trip on him--telling him that he wasn't really a man, that he had commitments that he wasn't living up to--so he stayed in the group.

[Some of] these men's marriages are falling apart and obviously Justin does NOT know what he's talking about since his own marriage has broken up.

Copyright © 1999 Rick Ross

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