
Is baby Suri Cruise living the Scientology life?

MSNBC/July 10, 2006
By Jeanette Walls

Suri Cruise had a Scientology-inspired silent birth; now some are wondering if her mysterious absence might be part of a Scientology-inspired quiet life.

Speculation has been rampant about why the public, and even some of Cruise's close friends, reportedly haven't seen the action star's offspring. Rick Ross of tells The Scoop that devout Scientologist Cruise and his convert sweetie Katie Holmes may be following the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard — who advised against exposing young children to noise.

“A negative experience coupled with noise can create what Scientologists call an engram — which leads to recurring negative reactions,” Ross explains. “That might include paparazzi, newspeople, or a clamorous crowd. The only way to remove engrams, Scientologists believe, is through the process they call auditing. When a Scientologist talks about 'reaching clear' — they're talking about clearing engrams from your mind. Tom Cruise's efforts to create a quiet cocoon around his daughter might be a precaution against engrams.”

Cruise, says Ross, seems increasingly influenced by the Scientology view of the universe.

“While on his worldwide promotion of 'Mission Impossible III,' I am told, his behavior was, in a word, paranoid,” says Ross. “He was obsessed about the purity of the air and at one point, he was convinced he was being followed and insisted on taking longer routes to places. He was also quite concerned about whether locks worked and had them checked. Scientologists are not only afraid of creating engrams, they're also afraid of the effects of those around them who they call Suppressive Persons or SPs. It's possible that Tom Cruise is being overcome by his Scientology training and that's leading to a paranoid world view that is being reflected in his behavior with baby Suri.”

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