
Preston touts Scientology on TV?

Was Kelly Preston providing a valuable public service on a Montel Williams show? Or was she merely touting some controversial policies of Scientology?

MSNBC News/March 13, 2003

Preston, who with hubby John Travolta is a devout Scientologist, appeared on the talk show Wednesday, discussing the health woes of their son. Then she told how his ailments were cured by following the detoxification procedures in "Clear Body Clear Mind" a posthumously published book by L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology.

Also featured on the show, which was a rebroadcast, was Michael Wisner, who was introduced as "Toxicologist to the Stars." Wisner, too, is a Scientologist, who promotes Hubbard in his Sacramento, Calif., clinic, according to Rick Ross, whose Web site,, notes that the word "Scientologist" was never used on the show.

Also not discussed, says Ross, were the potential risks and side effects of Hubbard's treatment.

"Montel's show [on Wednesday was] devoid of any meaningful critical balance that might help viewers develop a more informed understanding about this supposed process of 'purification.' " Ross writes on

"Instead, Williams provides a platform for Kelly Preston to essentially use his show much like an infomercial to promote her Scientology beliefs."

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