
Conquering Katie

The Courier-Journal, Louisville, Kentucky/June 18, 2005
By The Buzz

Tom Cruise, 42, proposed to much-gushed-about girlfriend Katie Holmes, 26, Friday morning atop the Eiffel Tower, citing the city's romantic reputation as the perfect backdrop.

According to The Associated Press, no wedding date has been set. "We haven't discussed that -- one step at a time," Cruise said.

Cruise manned the mike at the early morning press conference, frequently exchanging giddy glances with the actress, who was silent.

"Mum" is also the word when it comes to the Scientology "minder" Cruise has hired for the fledgling follower.

According to the Sun, Cruise is paying Jessica Rodriguez to follow the cherubic beauty everywhere and "keep Katie on the path" as she converts to the controversial religion.

Cruise and Holmes went public with their relationship in April and have been accused of using it to promote their new movies. The seriously smitten Cruise stars in "War of the Worlds," which opens June 29. Holmes plays Bruce Wayne's love interest in "Batman Begins," now showing.

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