
"A Psychological Onslaught"?

June 1999
By a former member of "The Assembly"

I had an interesting meeting with George Geftakys and one of the "leading brothers." I was part of The Assembly for a year and a half.

I questioned their doctrine regarding "The Kingdom,"--especially in regards to their teaching that not all believers will enter The Kingdom. Your [commentary] was right on. The meeting turned out to be a "psychological onslaught." But thanks to your [comments], I was prepared.

It wasn't my idea to meet with George [Geftakys]. This was the idea of the leading brother who could not answer my questions--so he deferred me to George who was coming in two months.

I wasn't even allowed to go to the scriptures to challenge his interpretation. With an uplifted voice and much intensity, he said that the verses that I wanted to show him had nothing to do with the question. But actually they had everything to do with the question. He said, "I'm not going to let you go there." When he saw my list of bible verses; he accused me of bringing a "battering ram of scripture."

The meeting lasted a little over 1-1/2 hours and about 1-1/4 was given over to verbal rebuking, i.e. I am "contentious," "prideful," not willing to listen to the brothers, not a "peacemaker," etc. But I did not go to them with in an "arrogant spirit." I just wanted to discuss doctrine in a methodical, intelligent manner.

George [Geftakys] is in control of this movement [(i.e."The Assembly")] and those who are not passive, but hold him accountable, by wanting to discuss doctrine--will find that they are not welcome.

An update to this story can be seen here

Copyright © 1999 Rick Ross

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