
The Heavenly Vision

December 2000
Written by a former member of over 17 years

Table of Contents


Personal Testimony
A typical week of "Life Together"
What are their beliefs on major Christian doctrine?
Obeying Leaders
The Heavenly Vision
"Good & Evil"
"Paid Clergy"
What is it like for a family?
What is it like for a single person?
Does this group have a name?
What happens to the money?
"Sincere Christians Ensnared"


The Heavenly Vision

The main doctrinal distinction between the Geftakys group and others like Calvary Chapel, which started at the same time and place as George's ministry, but grew many times larger, is what is termed, "The Heavenly Vision." This is a large topic, and is the theme of almost every message preached. George finds the heavenly vision on every page of the Bible. Included in this is the vision of the "House of God," which is basically a pattern for meeting and church government. Advanced members will speak of the "Sevenfold manifestation of the house of God". If the reader is interested I would refer them to the works of Watchman Nee and the Plymouth Brethren, as the Geftakys group is very similar, only much more intense. George's books are not available outside of the assembly meetings, so Brethren writers are the best source of doctrine for why George teaches what he does.

The average member has not actually read one of George's books all the way through, as they are very poorly written. In one sense, they are not books at all, but merely edited transcriptions of taped sermons. George has not actually written a book in the traditional sense. Recently, a study guide for "Testimony To Jesus", considered George's best book, has been making the rounds. This is helping many to grasp George's vision. Most members are not able to explain these teachings in detail and it is very revealing to ask them, "Where do you see this in The Bible?" You can't get a straight answer from most, but may witness some fancy footwork and page turning. If the reader has this opportunity, be sure to take time to view the verses in context. There is much cutting and pasting needed to get the full effect of how the Heavenly Vision is seen. These doctrines, while asserting the highest unity, create a separation from other evangelicals, creating a distinct elitism and exclusivity among the members. All members believe that other sincere Christians would do exactly what George teaches if only they had revelation regarding the Heavenly Vision. Never, at any time, would any committed member consider that perhaps George is mistaken, or in error in some point. Just thinking this, let alone expressing it, would result in feelings of guilt and disloyalty. The Geftakys ministry has the fullest, richest teaching on the mystery of the church in all of Christianity, according to most of the members. George says it best, almost every time he preaches, by saying, "People say of me, I can't understand a thing he's talking about but it sure sounds wonderful!"


Table of Contents


Personal Testimony
A typical week of "Life Together"
What are their beliefs on major Christian doctrine?
Obeying Leaders
The Heavenly Vision
"Good & Evil"
"Paid Clergy"
What is it like for a family?
What is it like for a single person?
Does this group have a name?
What happens to the money?
"Sincere Christians Ensnared"

Copyright © Rick Ross

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