
The Assembly Visitor Comments

"I was born into the Geftakys Assembly. My family and I got out of that environment when I was [a teenager], in 2002, and alot of it had to do with the information on your website, I know that was 4 years ago, but I never thanked you for getting the truth of the matter out there. I don't know what my family would be like if we hadn't gotten out of there. It's amazing how good it feels to be yourself, a normal college kid. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that you've helped my family for the better, and that I'm grateful."

"I was raised in the assembly from the age of four. A lot of its people have become very dear to me. Since January the Geftakys assembly has been under attack and for just reason, George Geftakys has been living a lie. The truth has finally come out. George and Betty, the almighty, spiritual, God connected leaders, have finally been excommunicated. Many of the assemblies have ended, such as mine. People are finding new churches, rebuilding shattered lives and moving on. I know it was right for these assemblies to end. We had been living under the power of a mentally troubled man. But I can not feel sad that my assembly ended. These people are my second family. I can go to them any time, anywhere. I could show up on their doorstep at 3:00 AM and I would be accepted with loving arms. But now I realize that we were a cult. Following the direction of a man, who wanted as much power as he could. I'm not saying I agree with your website, because you are an outsider and there is much you do not know about us. But some of your perceptions are right."

"Thanks for the site. I left the 'assembly' a long time ago and was glad I did, although at the time I was petrified with fear. I wish your site had been around back then, but there was no World Wide Web at that time."

"Thanks for posting information regarding the Assembly group on your site. I attended in the Chicago area back when I was 17. A friend of mine invited me to one of their meetings and I kept going for about 6 months. It provided fellowship with others my age, bible studies, and a sense of community. However, I stopped going due to strange beliefs and lifestyle that began to emerge. Many were fixated on their leader, George Geftakys, which seemed very odd. It was difficult to find out more about him, but now with the Internet it's much easier. I liked the people in the group a lot, which it made it kind of difficult to leave, but freedom in Christ is more important."

"I left the group a number of years ago because of the hypocrisy, deception, and the outright Godlessness that characterized much of what was going on. As an African-American I was particularly appalled by the overt racism that prevailed. Betty Geftakys once attended Bob Jones University, which may have contributed to this. Awful devastation is possible in any ministry when an inflated ego goes unchecked either by personal restraint, meaningful accountability to others or the presence of Godly integrity."

"I was a member of this group for five years and though that was more than 20 years ago, some of the things they taught still haunt me. The total fear and subjugation to their authority,messed up my life for years. The main core of their teaching and the fear associated with it, is a very hard thing to shake off. Their teaching regarding the ''Inheritance' is so fraught with fear and judgment that I still find it hard to forget. Literally, to this day, I still have to remind myself that the group was off-base and aberrational."

"My nine year involvement with the Assembly has caused me to have nightmares. I have been diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and am on a daily regimen of anti-depressants, combined with counseling. I was once brainwashed and would practically do anything the leadership said. But by God's grace, I have been deprogrammed and am on the way to a new, spiritually healthy life. It will not be easy. Many of the leading brothers should take note and repent. God is full of forgiveness."

"I wrote 'Serving God...You Don't Get Paid to do God's Work' and 'God was picking my Conscience to get out.' I have now been warned by the leadership to remove those articles from this web site. I have been told that they are 'lies.' However, everything I wrote is 100% accurate. The Assembly does not want outsiders to know the truth about its practices and aberrant teachings. But I can no longer keep silent."

"If you expect that a leading brother in the Assembly will tell you the truth all the time, think again. Ask them about what happens to the money in the Lord's Treasury box? And don't settle for 'this money is used for the work of the Lord here and abroad.' Ask them for an itemized statement of where the money is going. I would bet that you'll be asked, 'Why do you need to know? God knows where the money is going, why don't you trust God more?' Many who have asked have been told this."

"Throughout the thirty year history of the Geftakys Assemblies, dedicated members have suddenly and with little or no warning, left the fellowship. However, continually members are told that if they have a problem or disagreement 'come talk with us (the leaders) about it.' Sadly though, such talks are likely to include shame, ridicule, accusation and intimidation. And this abuse can leave members devastated, hurt and embittered. So many just leave without any warning, say nothing and offer no reason for leaving. Rumors then start and are frequently spread about former members. This is apparently done in an attempt to somehow explain away their departure. These rumors are most often negative and insinuate that former members are at fault or sinful."

"While a member of the Geftakys assembly (15 years) I learned a very strong work ethic. I was once told to stop collecting unemployment insurance, because 'if a man doesn't work he doesn't eat.' If I missed a class at school or called in sick to work I was questioned about it. I was continually being given examples from God's word about diligence and laziness. 'The diligent worker will inherit rewards' and 'The lazy will suffer loss!' As a result I became successful and recognized as a hard working and committed employee, achieved high grades at school and have received awards. I attribute this to what I learned while a member of the Assembly. Yet today it seems there is a double standard within this group when it comes to certain individuals. David Geftakys does not work and yet continues to receive money from his mother (who gets it from the 'Lord's Treasury'). What a fool I was to let people like this take advantage of me."

"I would like to thank you for your web page. It helped me so much in leaving the Assembly. I love the people in the church. And I know they love God, but there are so many rules there, and not enough grace. It is so hard to leave and it takes a lot of faith to do so."

"When I left the confines of the "Assembly," it was like walking out of a dark room into the fullness of the bright sun. For the first time in my life, I felt freedom. But, with freedom came the responsibility of making decisions about life. During my time in the Assembly I didn't make decisions without someone else helping me. So, I had to learn to think on my own. I feel like a child learning to ride a bike without training wheels. I have fallen many times, but God has helped me to get up again, just as He promises in the bible. When I was in the Assembly, they warned me about the evils that exits "out there"--that is, outside of the group. But, my life has changed dramatically for the better since leaving. My world no longer revolves around meetings and outreaches and I have made good friends. My panic attacks have ceased, my health has improved and so has my outlook on life. God and I are alright."

"There seems to be a misconception that somehow the group in San Luis Obispo is the only Geftakys group having problems. Wrong! I personally know that these problems and issues of sin exist in ALL of the 'gatherings' because they stem from George Geftakys. If someone is new they may not see this. It often takes years, even decades, for some people to realize that the group is cult-like. Why would anyone want to risk their spiritual health by staying in such a group? There are a lot of excellent, Bible-based Christian gatherings. Why not seek those kind of churches? And stay away from churches that have proven over and over again that they can screw up your life. I wish that someone had told me this before I spent nearly a decade being brain-washed. Don't make the same mistake I did. It's just not worth it!"

"While involved with the 'Assembly' a verse from First John was constantly quoted to me. 'If we walk in the light as he is in the light then we have fellowship with one-another...' The emphasis here is upon 'openness' and 'honesty.' I was taught that this meant if I was hiding anything from my brethren then I was out of fellowship with them and possibly even God! They said, 'Christians have no secrets brother.' Such openness could be pretty painful at times. This meant opening myself up to exhortation and admonishment regarding my personal behavior. I hid nothing from the brothers during my many years of involvement within the Assembly. This included confession of sins. Today I challenge George Geftakys and Assembly leaders to practice what they preach by doing the same."

"I grew up in this group and experienced the devastation and ruin it often causes in people's lives. Many live a life of almost constant discouragement because they can never arrive at what is considered a 'Overcomer's Life.' There is typically a list of things you need to 'get victory' over. The leadership in this group has created one of the most effective charades I have ever seen. Anyone who comes in contact with these people should beware. They may seem very enthusiastic and sincere and most are. However, once you get involved, the joy, love and peace you expected is ever illusive. They target young people in college because they're away from family trying to figure out what to do with their lives, which makes them vulnerable. I hope no one is ever again ensnared by this group and that those involved get out and move on with their lives. There is a life outside of this group worth living."

"George Geftakys is a mean, egotistical brute who uses others for his own personal gain! I'm so glad that his groups are being exposed through your web site. I spent so many years hearing him criticize other Christians not involved in his group. Now it's time for him to hear a little criticism himself. He has no accountability, says whatever he wants and his followers believe him because he has the 'Heavenly Vision.' Bull! I have a bible that has words scratched out and George's own interpretations written in. If this is not an example of a fringe cult leader, I don't know what is. The current members of the Geftakys group should understand that it's not sinful to expose a man for who he is. No one should be fooled into believing that those who expose George are 'revilers' or 'deceivers' to be avoided. This is just another one of George's tricks to control the minds, emotions, and thinking of those still under his influence. Thanks for your awesome site. Keep up the good work."

"We owe you a great debt of gratitude. This Web site not only serves a critical role in alerting potentially vulnerable souls to the dangers posed by some groups, but may assist current members to leave. I was involved with this ministry for a number of years and while I think God used this period to prepare me for better things, I witnessed awful psychological and spiritual devastation. I was subjected to some heavy-handed dealings myself and perceived subtle, but definite racism amongst leadership. I left for reasons of conscience. God was truly merciful to me. I know many others feel trapped and that they have no alternative. One of the most insidious pieces of propaganda this ministry perpetrates is that you cannot have a serious walk with Christ unless you are in fellowship with them. No wonder these individuals have wreaked so many people's faith. George Geftakys and all those serving with him in leadership bear a terrible burden and have a lot to answer for. The only question that remains in my mind is whether this man is truly deceived, or if his deplorable conduct is simply the result of his own diabolical intent? Either way, has he forgotten that our God is a consuming fire? 'And Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.' John 8:32"

"I was a member of the Geftakys Assembly, once backed into a corner and forced to do the group's will. I was not allowed to discern God's will on my own. Consequently I considered suicide. But thank God I left the group. I found some true Christian people healthy in their thinking and behavior. Today I am very happy! Now I love people, my life and most of all I love the Lord! Now I cannot even comprehend the hopelessness I once felt in the Assembly. If someone is thinking that there is no hope don't believe it! Get out and find true Christians who will help you! God is real and God is good!"

"I am leaving the Assembly group. I'm not necessarily leaving because of this Web site, but it definitely has put a few things into perspective. I'm torn between my love for the people and the shameful way that George Geftakys manipulates them. I'm especially torn because individuals in this group have played a significant part in helping me renew my relationship with God. I'm forever in debt to these individuals, which makes it more difficult to leave. It's a real tragedy when you think about it. So many sincere people trapped living the Geftakys way. Many older, single members talk about their strong desire to get married, but there seems to be little hope for them. They are discouraged from going to other churches and often can't meet anyone outside of the fellowship. I can only pray that more people in the group will read this site and start to break out of this cursed system."

"After being involved in the Geftakys group I now understand better how some things were dealt with. If a person tried to commit suicide it might make the group look bad--so that was swept under the rug. In truth many of the 'Saints' struggled with such thoughts. Sadly, they often seemed convinced that they were somehow to blame and that seeking professional help was wrong. Instead, they got help from a leader who had no meaningful experience or professional training. Consequently, I have heard that some people took their own lives. I myself once confessed to the leaders about my struggles with depression. Today I am convinced this was actually the result of 'losing my life' within the group. My feelings of depression were about not being allowed to make my own decisions. Now without that Assembly influence I don't feel so depressed or desperate. On the contrary, I feel very happy!"

"A group called 'Studies in the Old and New Testament' is affiliated directly with George Geftaky's ministry. This is a name they use on many college campuses. This generic name is used because George claims it is sinful for a group to take a name. The campus group 'Studies in the Old and New Testament' can be found at CSU Fullerton, Fresno, Northridge, San Diego, San Francisco, Los Angeles, CAL POLY Pomona, CAL POLY San Luis Obispo, Fullerton College, Orange Coast College, Cal State Longbeach, Brown University (Rhode Island), University of Nebraska campuses and University of Illinois campuses. A lot of students fall join this bible study, not knowing that it is affiliated with George Geftakys. At Fullerton Tim Geftakys and Jim Hayman are in charge. In the midwest Danny Edwards and Mike Duewelling lead. In San Luis Obispo Jeff Lehmkuhl leads and in Santa Barbara Wes Cohen."

"Thank God for people like you who [post information] about groups such as these. After five years my daughter finally got out. The brainwashing was incredible. I now have my daughter back. This group should be reported to the IRS for tax evasion. Thank you again for putting up a site about cults and potential cults [sic]."

"Thank you so much for this Web page about the Assembly. I was a part of the group and can relate to so much of what was shared about what goes on. If George Geftakys asked you to do something you did it. I now know that there are others who went through the same things that I did in this 'ministry.' I also have my own David Geftakys stories."

"I am so thankful for the articles written about this fringe church. I just left the group recently. The 'saints' now avoid me. I spoke out against the group and was later accused of being divisive and told I was 'just making up stories.' I used to baby-sit kids for free and helped many people over the eight years I was in fellowship. And now I am a liar who makes up stories? It was implied in a bible study that God would give us an extra reward to 'stay in the boat' (the group). But God wants people to enjoy Him, not just do a bunch of things to gain His acceptance. For so many years I played the part of the perfect single sister--going to all the meetings and outreaches and doing everything the leading brothers said (even though in my heart I knew it was wrong). And now I am being shunned by these very same leading brothers because I chose to speak against the wrongs within The Assembly. I'm not talking about 'problems,' all churches have problems. I am talking about deception, lies and hurt. I pray that others will leave the group."

"Thank you for the excellent site! This site has gotten more info regarding a relatively small, but irritatingly dangerous group. I was a devoted member back in the 80s. I am glad that some former members have the backbone to say that George is more than just misguided. Back when I lived in a 'Brother's House' a 'sister' came to me and said she was privately rubbing George's hands and feet. Two other witnesses claimed other instances--all female. This at least suggests his preaching about 'avoiding the appearance of evil' seems to apply to everyone but himself."

"I was part of this group for years and moved in with one of the families. I was always told that the brothers were my leaders and to listen to their council. But this group cost me so much emotionally. I never felt good enough for them. They discouraged me about going to college and told me to marry someone in the fellowship. But when I did fall in love with someone the brothers said I wasn't ready for a relationship because I didn't make it to all the meetings and keep my commitments. So I tried harder. But whenever I made an independent choice they would discourage me. I decided upon a profession, but they said it was a sin because it was against their council. This finally caused me to leave. Your Web site has helped me to know I wasn't a failure to God, and that I am not in sin for leaving. I was so convinced that I would go to hell for leaving this church and depressed beyond belief. I even thought God would strike me dead. I am still struggling, but glad that I am pursuing my dreams. I am now a trained professional. I loved the brethren like family and when I left that fellowship it was the hardest thing I have ever done."

"One evening at an assembly couple's meeting, George's older son told the couples it is 'sinful' for a wife to leave her husband, even if she was being abused. That was enough to make me get out. Do not be deceived by the 'Christian Family Journal' Web site. The only people who are allowed to write articles are 'workers,' leading brothers and their families. On many college campuses, the Geftakys Assembly goes by the name of 'Studies in the Old and New Testament.' They are wolves in sheep's clothing. Stay away."

"Thanks, Rick, for your awesome site! It was because of this site that I left the group. George Geftakys' ministry is definitely not a place to consider for fellowship. And once you are sucked in, it is almost impossible to get out. If you do plan to be involved with this group, be prepared to check your brains in at the door. If you have kids, be prepared to have them sitting on mats for hours, receiving a lot of spankings each day and eventually leaving the group as young adults because so turned off. If you are single, don't even think about marriage until you are in your 30' or 40's--by then you may be 'perfected' enough to be wed. I hope you get it. Don't become involved with this group, and if you are get out fast!"

"Thank you so much for your website. I have just recently left this group after being involved for over eight years. I will begin some deprogramming/counseling soon. I pray that my friends still involved in the group will open up their eyes to the reality of the George Geftakys ministry and leave quickly. Thanks again!"

"It was with interest, slight fear, and a feeling of 'I knew it'--that I read your info on this religious group. I have close contact with several members, and have known the family of George Geftakys's son for years. I have always had a feeling that something is not right there. Thanks so much for your site!"


Copyright © Rick Ross

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