SIST leader Isaacson ordered arrested by federal bankruptcy judge

WTAQ News Talk/January 4, 2012E

Minneapolis -- A federal bankruptcy judge in Minneapolis has ordered the arrest of a Shawano religious group leader who has repeatedly made anti-Catholic slurs in her court filings.

Judge Nancy Dreher held Naomi Isaacson in contempt for not appearing at a hearing Wednesday on whether Issacson should be sanctioned for her filings.

The judge also ordered fines of $5,000 for Issacson and fellow group attorney Rebekah Nett for making allegations of, "bigotry, deceit, conspiracy, and scandalous statements" against the bankruptcy court.

At issue was a filing made in November in a bankruptcy case involving Yehud-Monosson, a subsidiary of the Samanta Roy Institute of Science and Technology of Shawano.

Issacson and Nett both represent the group, which has long had disagreements with local officials.

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